Kevin and Kell Star Trek Parody

May video

Here's our May installment of The Office Oracles, continuing to report from our respective homes on the difficulties of separating professional and domestic lives.

NEW Fastrack book

The 2016 collection of Fastrack is here. "Dethany, The Office Goth" features every strip from that year.

NEW Kevin & Kell book
It's "Turvy"! The complete year of 2017 of "Kevin & Kell" is now available! Here we follow Lindesfarne's pregnancy from start to finish, including the climatic battle against the evil hate group N.O.P.E. In addition to all 365 strips we also feature Lindesfarne's Virtual Quill commentary.

NEW Fastrack book, Autocorrect!

New Fastrack collection, featuring the complete year of 2015, featuring the notoriously overzealous app.

Jack Davis Award

I have just been honored with the 2018 Jack Davis Award in recognition of the legendary MAD Magazine artist, given by the Southeastern Chapter of the National Cartoonists Society. I'm humbled, as I've always attempted to live up to his impossible standard.


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Rudy Dewclaw

Catherine Aura


Dethany Dendrobia

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Virtual Quill

Screen Shots